The Catechism's section on Confirmation says that Confirmation is the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Its effects are to:
- Root us more deeply in divine filiations (being children of God)
- Unites us more firmly to Christ
- Increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us
- Strengthens our bond with the Church
- Associates us more closely to her mission of bearing witness to Christ
- Helps us and more strictly obliges us to spread and defend the faith by word and deed
Diocese of Baton Rouge (Sacramental Guidelines)
- The usual time and age for confirmation in the Diocese of Baton Rouge is during the eleventh grade of school.
- Place of Confirmation: a Catholic is to be confirmed in his or her parish church, or in the Cathedral.
- Confirmation preparation should include components separate from and in addition to catechesis in the Catholic School or the Parish School of Religion. The Pagella says: preparation is to be separate from and in addition to the usual catechesis offered in Catholic high schools and parochial schools of religion.
- Confirmation should be freely chosen by the candidate.
Confirmation Sessions at St. Alphonsus Church:
St. Alphonsus has a two-year process with a total of 8 sessions and 2 retreats and 2 service projects. All sessions begin with 12 PM Noon Mass on Sundays as a community.
Required Retreats:
Each grade has a retreat specifically made for that year.
Required Service Projects:
Year 1 – Service with families: Kids in Ministry events, St. Joseph's Altar, and the Festival of Two Rivers
Year 2 - Help the Homeless project
Mandatory parent meeting: Year 1 & Year 2 (parents only) Thursday, September 5, 2024 6:30 PM in
Emmanuel Hall.
Year 1 Dates
Sessions are from 12:00 PM to 3:30 PM (Candidates attend Noon Mass together)
Sessions: 10/20, 11/10, 1/12 and 3/9 (time extended to 4:30 PM for Confirmation Interviews)
September 28-29, 2024 - Overnight Retreat
Service Project is to help with one of the Kids in Ministry Events or to help with the parish fair.
You must sign up to help with the event and sign in. Service must be documented by written response.
Year 2 Dates
Sessions are from 12:00 PM to 3:30 PM (Candidates attend noon Mass together)
Sessions: 9/15, 11/17, 2/23 and 3/23
January 25-26, 2025 – Over Night Retreat / Service Project at PAC
Tuesday, April 15, 2025 Rehearsal - 7 PM
4/29/25 - Sacrament of Confirmation - 7 PM
Service Project is to be completed at the overnight Year 2 Retreat. You will need to collect supplies to make
Love Bags for the homeless of Baton Rouge. A list will be given out at the Parent meeting.
Download Confirmation Sponsor Form HERE.
Download Certificate Form HERE.
Download Retreat Experience Form HERE.
Contact & Staff Liaison: Olga Johnson, 261-4644