Adult Formation is a multifaceted approach to help parishioners reignite and refresh their faith and deepen their understanding of our Catholic Faith. Through the years some of us may have forgotten or lost what we were taught through our formal teaching years. This program helps parishioners reconnect and continue their faith journey through guest speakers, movies, books, and the Formed website and more. Faith is nurtured and Evangelization is brought to the forefront of our thoughts and expressions. How better to live the message of Christ than to spread His message of salvation and to reach and teach each other.
Adoration/Benediction for Families (Monthly)
All families, all ages are invited to attend Parish Adoration on the first Saturday of every month between 8:30 AM- 9:00 AM in the church. Please note this includes children of all ages, grandparents, singles, and married couples. Join us for donuts in the St. Francis Room after Adoration.
Balanced Women
Balanced Women meets every Tuesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM in the St. Joseph Room in the Multi-purpose building. A meal is shared with family then they separate for Scripture time. Nursery is provided.
Bible Studies
Bible Studies began the week of September 10, 2019. During registrationn each July/August, all registration forms can be found on the Bible Studies page or under the Forms tab on the home page of our website.
CoffeeBreak is an opportunity to meet women within our parish of different ages and interests and at the same time deepen our faith journey together. CoffeeBreak meets the second Friday of each month in September through May from 9:30-11:30 AM. Social and gathering begins at 9:15 AM. Throughout the year, they also enjoy annual Christmas and Spring luncheons, spiritual prayer sisters, Ash Wednesday Retreat, a day or overnight annual trip, and an in-house service project with a complimentary catered lunch.
The King's Men
The King's Men exists to create and develop a thriving community of Catholic men in our parish. The King's Men meet every Wednesday from 6:30 PM until 8 PM in the St. Joseph Room in the Multi-Purpose Building. Members participate in “That Man Is You” men’s development program, Welcome retreat (August), and more.
Men's Scripture Study
Men's Scripture Study meets Tuesday evenings in the Choir Room from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Many of us know the Scripture readings from Mass, but do you know how they apply to your everyday life? Come share time with Scripture from the Sunday readings and fellowship with other men of the parish.
Parish Mission
The Parish Mission provides an opportunity to reflect on one’s life in Christ and celebrate the Catholic faith. Usually we bring in a mission speaker for Lent and Advent.
Small Christian Communities
Ongoing adult faith opportunity to pray, share and grow in faith, through the study of the Sunday Scriptures. Small groups meet at agreed upon times in member homes.
Theology on Tap
St. Alphonsus brings in guest priests and speakers for our Theology on Tap series on select Sunday nights. Dinner is usually served at 6 PM, followed by the presentation.
Women of Faith
Following the Women's Welcome Retreat, we invite the ladies to come together to learn more about the scriptures weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 PM in the St. Clare Room. This year they will be using “Women, Called by Name” from Magnificat.