A small Christian community is a small group of adults, who come together, weekly in a home, to share life experiences with one another and to share God’s story (the Sunday scriptures). We listen to the Word of God and each others' stories and help each other to make connections between everyday life and faith. Small Christian communities are not just about meeting individual needs, they are also about building up the parish community and strengthening the life and mission of the parish. Small Christian communities make a difference in the lives of those who participate in them and in the parish. A Small Christian Community can encourage and enable you to ground your life in the Christian story and to integrate faith into your everyday life.
The early Christians met in homes like the groups of today to share the Gospel and “the breaking of the bread.” They were inclusive communities whose members, after the example of Christ, shared their resources and reached out to others in service. As these Communities grew in acceptance and in the number of believers, larger gatherings became the norm. The Church as we know it today emerged from these early home-based communities.
If you are interested in joining or starting a Small Christian community, please contact the Faith Formation Office.
Staff Liaison: Cindi Schlatre, 261-4644