The King's Men exists to develop and grow a thriving community of Catholic men in our parish who are committed to being disciples of Christ. One of brothers that learns, grows, experiences, and shares in all areas of life. Using the best of today's programs and experiences we are always growing in our faith and furthering our understanding of what God calls men to be.
The King's Men meet every Wednesday from 6:30 PM until 8 PM at the Knights of Columbus Hall. There is no registration, there are no fees, there are no obligations. You are welcome as you are, brother.
That Man is You
That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive!
Outstanding interactive Catholic program for men, from Paradisus Dei.
This is "2023 Short Testimonial.mp4" by Paradisus Dei on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
Mark Hartfiel
The Glory and Wisdom of Creation
Loosening the Cords of Orion
Jesus Himself is the Light of Men
Walk in the Light
A Chosen Race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it
Dr. Peter Kreeft
We are at War, and not Contending with Flesh and Blood
Picking the wrong battles; Jesus Christ is not running for President
Our Enemies are Demons, Fallen Angels and Evil Spirits.
God, the Blessed Mother,and All the Angels and Saints are on our side!
Battle in the Classroom: Education is the KEY
Mislabeling each other the enemy fulfills the wishes of our true enemy
Michael Gormley
A Twisted and Inverted Vision
Seeing in Competition Not in Love
Sorrow Over Another’s Good
Fight Against Envy with Charity
Willing the Good for Your Beloved
Charity Loves One’s Neighbor as Oneself
John Sablan
The Daughters of Wrath
Choosing of Fury Over Love
Anger’s Relationship with Pleasure
Meekness Moderates Anger
St. Thomas More - A Perfect Example of Meekness
John Sablan
I Will Not Serve, Satan’s Origin of Pride
Man Aiming Higher than He Is
The Vice that Precedes the Fall
Four Forms of Pride - St Thomas Aquinas
A Biblical Illustration of Pride
Look to Me, I am Meek and Humble of Heart
Jeff Joaquin
Do we own our possessions or do our possessions own us?
Greed is the Root of all sin
Use Money for Others: The 2nd Step
Allowing the light of charity to dispel the darkness
Christ’s Virtues Need to Become Our Virtues
Have you only given from your surplus?
St Maximilian Kolbe - Punished for Continuing to be Light in the Darkness
Steve Bollman
Temptation began outside of Adam and Eve
The External Struggle got placed internally within us at the Fall
Love….and the Brain’s Reward System
Pornography: Virtual Infidelity
Embracing Small Daily Martyrdoms
The Story of St. Augustine, His Inner Conflict & Transformation
Steve Bollman
Speaker: Steve Bollman
The Origins of Sin and Desire
Food and the Reward System
A Decision Making Issue
Gluttony of Media Consumption
Don Bosco as an example of mortification
Practical advice regarding food
Mark Hartfiel
7 Deadly Sins are DEADLY
Not Merely a Sin Against Productivity?
A Spiritual Sloth
Be Transformed by the Renewal of your Mind
Are You Willing to Pray a Daily Rosary?
True Fulfillment of your Daily Duty
God is the Top of the Hierarchy
Matthew Leonard
Destined to Become Part of God’s Divine Family
God Joins Humanity to his Divinity
The Eucharist - A Food Capable of Making Man Divine
Oh Necessary Sin of Adam
Partakers of the Divine Nature
We Have to Strive for Sainthood
Receive the Sacraments as much as Humanly Possible
Matthew Leonard
The Goal isn’t to Finish, the Goal is God
We are made to become partakers of the divine nature
Developing an Authentic Life of Prayer
Prayer is the encounter of God’s thirst with ours
3 Stages of Prayer: Vocal, Meditative and Contemplative
Meditative Prayer is a Quest
Growth in Faith and Prayer Takes Time
Dr. Peter Kreeft
The Uncaused Cause and the Unmoved Mover
Christ is the fundamental data proving the existence of God
God is the Immortal Being that cannot die
Thomas Aquinas’ Famous 5 Ways
God Wants to Leave Room for Faith but we try to prove too much
Identifying and Rooting Out the Doubt in Your Life
Dr. Peter Kreeft
The Human Heart was not designed in Harvard or Hollywood, but Heaven.
5 Most common psychological or subjective arguments
Proving God through Aesthetical Beauty
Heaven’s Peace and Totality is Unimaginable
A Thorough Examination of Pascal’s Wager
Contact: Mark Dugar, markdugar@hotmail.com, 225-772-3834
Staff Liaison: Olga Johnson, 261-4644