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Councils & Committees

Active administration ministries, including councils and committees at St. Alphonsus, include:

Pastoral Council 

Shelia Casselberry Linda Housewright Lucky Ross
Kyle Celestin Lisa Lively Darryl Serio
Kyle Cutrer Fr. Michael J. Moroney JoAnn Stein
Casey Ebey Don Nijoka Joette Taylor





Building/Maintenance Committee

The Building Committee provides input, direction, and guidance regarding overall facility needs of the parish. 


Communication & Marketing Committees

The Communication & Marketing Committees facilitate communication within the parish using both traditional and new media. Additionally, they serve as the marketing team for the parish by working to promote a positive, coordinated and consistent image of St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish to the City of Central and Greater Baton Rouge.
If you are interested in joining the Communication/Marketing Committee, please contact Sara Puissegur at (225) 261-4650. 


Finance Council 

Finance ensures that funds received through donations are spent in a wise and prudent manner in response to the directives of the parish and parish leadership.

Tommy Chiasson   Fr. Michael J. Moroney - Pastor
Ray Heil Darryl Serio- Chair
Les Hunt JoAnn Stein
Melissa LeSage Monica Zumo





St. Matthew Guild

Teams meet during daytime hours to count money and prepare bank deposits. Time commitment is approximately 2-3 hours every 8 weeks.
Staff Liaison: Sara Puissegur, 261-4650

St. Alphonsus School Grades PK3 - 8

St. Alphonsus School strives to facilitate the development of each child spiritually, academically, socially, and culturally in an educational climate that is gospel-oriented. Visit the school's website.


Home & School Association

The Home and School Association has as its main purpose the coordination of parent volunteers which include but are not limited to: fund-raising, open houses for prospective students, teacher appreciation activities, vision and hearing screenings, directory publications, etc.
President: Lacey Keller


School Board 

The Education Committee shares in a consultative way the responsibility of the pastor and principal in the operation of the school.

Kristen Broussard Lacey Keller, Home & School President Dr. Cynthia Ryals, Principal
Don Dartez Lynn R. Kennedy Kristin Tate, Vice Principal
Brandon Dodson Fr. Michael J. Moroney, Pastor Monica Zumo
Dana Duvall Aamanda Rufini  


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